
Guidelines for the multicultural city Hanover

The State Capital of Hannover is a city of immigration. People from everywhere - be it from the immediate vicinity or from other continents - converge in our city. It is our vision to create a city community where all people can live together with respect, trust and equality as a matter of course. There is no place for discrimination of any kind in Hannover. Anyone living in Hannover can be part of “us” at all times without question. After all, diversity is our strength.

Given that we see ourselves as a city of immigrants, there are practical consequences which are set out in the following mission statement:

1. Hannover is an open and diverse city and considers migration to be part and parcel of our social reality.

2. Everyone should be able to live together in Hannover equally and respectfully. That is why we strive for equal participation and equal opportunities for everyone in economic, political, cultural and social life.

3. Living together in a diverse society depends on everyone, and is therefore a matter for the entire community. Living together in a diverse society also requires values and laws that are binding for everyone. Our constitution and the rule of law form the cornerstone of this shared foundation.

4. We want to create vibrant neighbourhoods where all citizens can live together in their diversity without fear.

5. We promote German language competence and multilingualism generally, as well as other skills which enable community involvement.

6. We firmly fight racism and all other forms of discrimination in Hannover.

7. This mission statement, which is bound in humanity and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is a benchmark for the entire city community.